Can I use GPS2IP for Apple Maps or Google Maps?

No. Both of these apps only listen to the onboard GPS. If your iOS device doesn't have a GPS, you cannot use either of these apps. Period. We're sorry that GPS2IP (or any other app) can't help you.

Will it work with app X?

Maybe, yes. Please check the main website, and see if your app is listed there. If your app is a maritime or aviation app, then it is quite likely. If you are a computer hobbyist, then I'm sure you can make it work!

If it isn't, please get in touch before buying GPS2IP, and we'll try and help figure out if you can! We're happy to help, and would prefer that you didn't buy something that you couldn't use.

Why has GPS2IP 'Lite' stopped transmitting?

The 'Lite' version has a limited output before automatically turning off. You can simply turn it back on to complete any neccesary testing. The limit is 4 minutes before it automatically turns off.

The full version does not ever turn off by iteself!

What's NMEA? Why do I need it?

If you don't know what NMEA is - then you probably don't need GPS2IP. It is a rather specific means of transmitting location and movement data, and lies in a rather niche area.

I shall not today attempt further to define the kind of protocol I understand to be NMEA. But I know it when I see it.

(with apologies to) Potter Stewart

If you want general lat/long data, with speed and heading information without having to decode NMEA, perhaps you would prefer another app 6signals.

Do I need a cellular network?

There are two situations in which you would need a cellular network rather than wi-fi:

  • You are using your cellular provider to send information to GPS2IP (over a long distance that a LAN cannot support)

  • Your iOS device needs a cell network to determine location (See Does my device have a real GPS?)

If you are sending the data from GPS2IP to a remote computer, located in a different place, then you will probably need a cellular provider to send the data from GPS2IP to your computer at a different location.

If the machine you are sending the data to is within metres, then you can use a wi-fi connection to connect them, saving data charges and reception problems.

If you are at the beach, or in the mountains, and your computer is somewhere else, then the Cell network is what you want.

But I'm on my boat!

Then your navigation computer is close to you, and you can set up a wi-fi connection between GPS2IP and your computer with the navigation sytem on it.

You can usually set up a wi-fi LAN on the comnputer, and then connect GPS2IP to that wi-fi network. No cellular network required. (Unless of course, your iOS device doesn't have a real GPS, and needs the network. See Does my device have a real GPS?)

Depending on what navigation software you are running, and your requirements, you can either:

Does my device have a real GPS?

For iPads, this is pretty easy to determine. The GPS-equipped versions have a big plastic bar on the back that covers the GPS antenna, and it also has a slot for a SIM card to connect to the network. So: If it has a SIM-card slot - you have a real GPS. If you don't, if you are out on the water far from cellular networks - you may be unable to get your location.

For iPhones, it's even easier. Yes, you do. All iPhone have real GPS. it can use cellular or GPS networks to determine location. Either way, you should be able to get your location just fine.

How do I set up an ad-hoc network on my mac?

This used to be relatively easy, but in OSX 10.10, Apple preferred to obfuscate the process, while disabling the option to password protect the network at the same time. It makes no sense - but there you are..

There is a solution. It's ugly, but it works.

Firstly, in this example, my mac is called miniGus, so please adjust these steps according to the name of your mac. Secondly, we will create a kind of hidden network, I have called mine gps2iploopback. Change this name if you like.

  1. Open up a Terminal. (Here's how to do that).

  2. Type: sudo networksetup -createnetworkservice gps2iploopback lo0 (That last thing you typed was <small L> <lowercase 'O'> <the number zero>)

  3. Hit return, and type in your password.

  4. Type: sudo networksetup -setmanual gps2iploopback

  5. Hit return, again..

  6. Now we have created a kind of network, we need to enable it.

  7. Go into System Preferences on your mac.

  8. Then the Sharing section.

  9. Go down to Internet sharing service on the left, and highlight it.

  10. On the right, where is says Share your connection from: select the network you just created -gps2iploopback in this example.

  11. Next, below that, enable Wi-Fi for To computers using:

  12. By clicking the Wi-Fi Options button, you can set the password, and other wi-fi settings. By default the network visible to other devices will be your machine name miniGus in my case. You can call this network anything you like - it is what you will be connecting to from your iPhone/iPad.

  13. Make sure Internet Sharing is enabled by checking the box next to the service.

  14. It will ask you if you are sure. You are - click Start.

  15. At this point, your mac should have created a Wi-Fi network that you can connect to with your other devices. If your mac has an internet connection, so will your devices. If your mac has no connection, you can still connect devices to it, but they won't have any internet connection. This is not necessary for most navigation software.

  16. On your iPhone/iPad, go into settings and connect to the Wi-Fi network you just created. (miniGus in my case). Enter the password you just created in step 12, and you should be connected.

  17. Now that you are connected, you can choose with method of communication you require/prefer:

Congratulations! You've managed to work around Apple to enable some basic functionality that should have been there in the first place :)

Last updated

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